About Me

I am known online as Zypra but my real name is David and I am from the UK.

I have been making YouTube videos on and off since 2012. I have been gaming before that, I also quite enjoyed doing funny voices for friends from time to time. My YouTube videos started off like a lot of other gamers videos with tutorials, gameplays etc. I also began streaming around the end of 2013, which I have been doing inconsistently as well since then.

To date the enjoyment of gaming is still very much a part of me and my channel, coupled up with the enjoyment of making people laugh and putting on voices (which in the past couple of years I have found I enjoy more than I realised) I have decided to make my gaming videos funny by using different voices alongside gameplay. I currently do a french voice, known as Pierre Chatte and I have some Guest Appearances, with so far, my own Guest Appearance being Sir David Attenborough.

For the future I hope I am able to bring you lots of funny and entertaining moments, improve my current voices and come up with some new and fresher ones for you to enjoy. I am aware that people have difficulties in their lives, and find an escape in things like watching YouTube/twitch streams (of course gaming too) sometimes deadlines or overwhelming pressure from work/university etc can just make the day seem bad. I hope I can bring you the escape you’ve been looking for as and when you need it. I hope that regardless of the game I play/record, if it’s not a game you play, you can still find the escape and enjoy the comedic moments and enjoy the voices and how they will have progressed with time.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to hopefully welcoming you into the community. You can find me on YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and also, discord